about us
Stephanie Kaplan AcupunctureStephanie Kaplan, L. Ac., Dipl. Ac., has been a Nationally Certified Licensed Acupuncturist for over 30 years. She is accepting new patients in the Morehead City area of North Carolina, and is ready to help If you have pain or discomfort in your body. Call Stephanie today at (252) 349-4499 to schedule an appointment. Your body will thank you!
Nationally Certified Diplomate in Acupuncture
BA Psychology
Graduate, New England School of Acupuncture
(Boston, MA)
Licensed Acupuncturist since 1989
more about stephanie

What Acupuncture treats
It will surprise you to learn that acupuncture treats a wide variety of body pain and health issues.
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What is AcupunctureAcupuncture is a proven alternative therapy to surgery and medicine in the treatment of musculoskeletal pain by applying tiny needles to specific points on the body.
By directly simulating circulation, endorphins are released, providing strong pain reliefTreatments
Accepted as both supplemental and preferred therapy treatment optionsWidely Accepted
More and more insurance companies are accepting acupunctureHealing Effects
Over time, can alleviate and even heal body pain and health problemsRead our FAQS
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Client TestimonialsHave we made an impression on your life? Listen to what some of our clients have to say about the healing powers of Acupuncture.
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